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Plan your content in only one place

Made with ❤️ to help you save time while planning your content.
Each platform has its own calendar, resources and tools

Notion dashboard
icon about Marketing


You are in comand.Each platform has its own calendar but you also can see all your content among platform on the same calendar

Templates icon


Each platform has a section of resources for you to get the most of each one. Also you can add more content and connect to your future posts

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Different platforms, different tools. Get the most of your content with them.

Grow your brand across platforms with this planner.

Choose the platform(s), plan your content and set in on the calendar, Get a full view of your content and easily add more on the go if you need.

Notion dashboard
Notion dashboard

Always improving

Get it now and get all features without paying more

Every month a new feature will be released. Schedule posts, a noCode product review, a book review, a new template, and more. By getting it now you get all this every month without paying nothing more, ever

Be inspired!

And achieve what you want

The more you learn the more you grow. With this product, you get access to recurring new tools, resources, reviews and more than help you grow your business.

Books cover images

Who is this for?

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Content Creators

  • How to take the best in each social media

  • Best social media tools

  • SEO tactics and list of free courses

  • Update monthly

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  • Best templates for your business

  • Marketing and Sales tips

  • Business trends

  • Many more

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Shopify Entrepreneurs

  • Business trends

  • Best resources, plugins, and tools

  • Templates ready to use

  • More to come

Join the journey

Join our newsletter where every month I talk about a topic business-related and interview one Indie hacker. You can see here latest issues

Illustration by Storyset